Results for 'J. L. Donovan'

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  1. Berman, Law and Revolution. II: The Impact of the Protestant Reformations on the Western Legal Tradition.J. L. O. Donovan - 2006 - Studies in Christian Ethics 19 (2):267.
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    Low risk research using routinely collected identifiable health information without informed consent: encounters with the Patient Information Advisory Group.C. Metcalfe, R. M. Martin, S. Noble, J. A. Lane, F. C. Hamdy, D. E. Neal & J. L. Donovan - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (1):37-40.
    Current UK legislation is impacting upon the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of medical record-based research aimed at benefiting the NHS and the public heath. Whereas previous commentators have focused on the Data Protection Act 1998, the Health and Social Care Act 2001 is the key legislation for public health researchers wishing to access medical records without written consent. The Act requires researchers to apply to the Patient Information Advisory Group for permission to access medical records without written permission. We present a (...)
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    Independence of Hot and Cold Executive Function Deficits in High-Functioning Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.David L. Zimmerman, Tamara Ownsworth, Analise O'Donovan, Jacqueline Roberts & Matthew J. Gullo - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:170424.
    Individuals with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) display diverse deficits in social, cognitive and behavioral functioning. To date, there has been mixed findings on the profile of executive function deficits for high-functioning adults (IQ >70) with ASD. A conceptual distinction is commonly made between “cold” and “hot” executive functions. Cold executive functions refer to mechanistic higher-order cognitive operations (e.g., working memory), whereas hot executive functions entail cognitive abilities supported by emotional awareness and social perception (e.g., social cognition). This study aimed to (...)
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    Core information sets for informed consent to surgical interventions: baseline information of importance to patients and clinicians.Barry G. Main, Angus G. K. McNair, Richard Huxtable, Jenny L. Donovan, Steven J. Thomas, Paul Kinnersley & Jane M. Blazeby - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):29.
    Consent remains a crucial, yet challenging, cornerstone of clinical practice. The ethical, legal and professional understandings of this construct have evolved away from a doctor-centred act to a patient-centred process that encompasses the patient’s values, beliefs and goals. This alignment of consent with the philosophy of shared decision-making was affirmed in a recent high-profile Supreme Court ruling in England. The communication of information is central to this model of health care delivery but it can be difficult for doctors to gauge (...)
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    Ethics Across the Curriculum—Pedagogical Perspectives.Elaine E. Englehardt, Michael S. Pritchard, Robert Baker, Michael D. Burroughs, José A. Cruz-Cruz, Randall Curren, Michael Davis, Aine Donovan, Deni Elliott, Karin D. Ellison, Challie Facemire, William J. Frey, Joseph R. Herkert, Karlana June, Robert F. Ladenson, Christopher Meyers, Glen Miller, Deborah S. Mower, Lisa H. Newton, David T. Ozar, Alan A. Preti, Wade L. Robison, Brian Schrag, Alan Tomhave, Phyllis Vandenberg, Mark Vopat, Sandy Woodson, Daniel E. Wueste & Qin Zhu - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Late in 1990, the Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions at Illinois Institute of Technology (lIT) received a grant of more than $200,000 from the National Science Foundation to try a campus-wide approach to integrating professional ethics into its technical curriculum.! Enough has now been accomplished to draw some tentative conclusions. I am the grant's principal investigator. In this paper, I shall describe what we at lIT did, what we learned, and what others, especially philosophers, can learn (...)
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    Legislating for the new predictive genetics.David J. Galton & Katherine O'Donovan - 1999 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 6 (2):39-48.
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    Ethical ideals in journalism: Civic uplift or telling the truth?James B. Murphy, Stephen J. A. Ward & Aine Donovan - 2006 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 21 (4):322 – 337.
    In this article, we explore the tension between truth telling and the demands of civic life, with an emphasis on the tension between serving one's country and reporting the truth as completely and independently as possible. We argue that the principle of truth telling in journalism takes priority over the promotion of civic values, including a narrow patriotism. Even in times of war, responsible journalism must not allow a narrow patriotism to undermine its commitment to truth telling. Journalists best fulfill (...)
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    Comparative genetic architectures of schizophrenia in East Asian and European populations.Max Lam, Chia-Yen Chen, Zhiqiang Li, Alicia R. Martin, Julien Bryois, Xixian Ma, Helena Gaspar, Masashi Ikeda, Beben Benyamin, Brielin C. Brown, Ruize Liu, Wei Zhou, Lili Guan, Yoichiro Kamatani, Sung-Wan Kim, Michiaki Kubo, Agung Kusumawardhani, Chih-Min Liu, Hong Ma, Sathish Periyasamy, Atsushi Takahashi, Zhida Xu, Hao Yu, Feng Zhu, Wei J. Chen, Stephen Faraone, Stephen J. Glatt, Lin He, Steven E. Hyman, Hai-Gwo Hwu, Steven A. McCarroll, Benjamin M. Neale, Pamela Sklar, Dieter B. Wildenauer, Xin Yu, Dai Zhang, Bryan J. Mowry, Jimmy Lee, Peter Holmans, Shuhua Xu, Patrick F. Sullivan, Stephan Ripke, Michael C. O’Donovan, Mark J. Daly, Shengying Qin, Pak Sham, Nakao Iwata, Kyung S. Hong, Sibylle G. Schwab, Weihua Yue, Ming Tsuang, Jianjun Liu, Xiancang Ma, René S. Kahn, Yongyong Shi & Hailiang Huang - 2019 - Nature Genetics 51 (12):1670-1678.
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    Treating Workers as Essential Too: An Ethical Framework for Public Health Interventions to Prevent and Control COVID-19 Infections among Meat-processing Facility Workers and Their Communities in the United States.Kelly K. Dineen, Abigail Lowe, Nancy E. Kass, Lisa M. Lee, Matthew K. Wynia, Teck Chuan Voo, Seema Mohapatra, Rachel Lookadoo, Athena K. Ramos, Jocelyn J. Herstein, Sara Donovan, James V. Lawler, John J. Lowe, Shelly Schwedhelm & Nneka O. Sederstrom - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (2):301-314.
    Meat is a multi-billion-dollar industry that relies on people performing risky physical work inside meat-processing facilities over long shifts in close proximity. These workers are socially disempowered, and many are members of groups beset by historic and ongoing structural discrimination. The combination of working conditions and worker characteristics facilitate the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Workers have been expected to put their health and lives at risk during the pandemic because of government and industry pressures to keep (...)
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  10. The Feminist Care Tradition in Animal Ethics: A Reader.Josephine Donovan & Carol J. Adams (eds.) - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    In _Beyond Animal Rights_, Josephine Donovan and Carol J. Adams introduced feminist "ethic of care" theory into philosophical discussions of the treatment of animals. In this new volume, seven essays from _Beyond Animal Rights_ are joined by nine new articles-most of which were written in response to that book-and a new introduction that situates feminist animal care theory within feminist theory and the larger debate over animal rights. Contributors critique theorists' reliance on natural rights doctrine and utilitarianism, which, they (...)
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    Challenges in evaluating primary health care for teenagers.Lionel D. Jacobson, Sarah J. Matthews, Michael R. Robling, Chris Donovan, A. Mellanby, C. Donovan, N. Parry-Langdon & T. Kramer - 1998 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 4 (3):183-189.
  12.  19
    Thank you for your lovely card: ethical considerations in responding to bereaved parents invited in error to participate in childhood cancer survivorship research.Claire E. Wakefield, Jordana K. McLoone, Leigh A. Donovan & Richard J. Cohn - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (1):113-119.
    Research exploring the needs of families of childhood cancer survivors is critical to improving the experiences of future families faced by this disease. However, there are numerous challenges in conducting research with this unique population, including a relatively high mortality rate. In recognition that research with cancer survivors is a relational activity, this article presents a series of cases of parents bereaved by childhood cancer who unintentionally received invitations to participate in survivorship research. We explore six ethical considerations, and compare (...)
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    A course in mathematical logic.J. L. Bell - 1977 - New York: sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada American Elsevier Pub. Co.. Edited by Moshé Machover.
    A comprehensive one-year graduate (or advanced undergraduate) course in mathematical logic and foundations of mathematics. No previous knowledge of logic is required; the book is suitable for self-study. Many exercises (with hints) are included.
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  14. Beyond animal rights: a feminist caring ethic for the treatment of animals.Josephine Donovan & Carol J. Adams (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Continuum.
    Contains eight contributions which extend feminist ethic-of-care theory to the issue of animal well-being. As a group, the essays aim to suggest ways that theorists can move beyond the notion of animal rights to establish care as a basis for the ethical treatment of animals. Annotation c. by Book.
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    The nature of hemispheric specialization in man.J. L. Bradshaw & N. C. Nettleton - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (1):51-63.
    The traditional verbal/nonverbal dichotomy is inadequate for completely describing cerebral lateralization. Musical functions are not necessarily mediated by the right hemisphere; evidence for a specialist left-hemisphere mechanism dedicated to the encoded speech signal is weakening, and the right hemisphere possesses considerable comprehensional powers. Right-hemisphere processing is often said to be characterized by holistic or gestalt apprehension, and face recognition may be mediated by this hemisphere partly because of these powers, partly because of the right hemisphere's involvement in emotional affect, and (...)
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    Semantic processing of unattended messages using dichotic listening.J. L. Lewis - 1970 - J Exp Psychol 85 (2):225-8.
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    Going Polyphonic I: With Namita Goswami et al.Alyson Cole & Kyoo Lee - 2023 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 13 (1):1-2.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Going Polyphonic I: With Namita Goswami et al.Alyson Cole and Kyoo LeeThis time around, we go polyphonic.The articles in the next two issues, Vol. 13 and Vol. 14, explore critical questions, paradigm-shifting idseas, and fresh connections arising from the intimately networked fields of intersectional, decolonial, and trans studies today. “Polyphonia,” a term we borrowed from music, is meant to characterize ways in which each piece as in a “note” (...)
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    Models and Ultraproducts: An Introduction.J. L. Bell & A. B. Slomson - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (4):763-764.
  19. A Course in Mathematical Logic.J. L. Bell & M. Machover - 1978 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 29 (2):207-208.
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  20. (1 other version)The Metaethical Insignificance of Moral Twin Earth.Janice Dowell, J. L. - 2010 - In Russ Shafer-Landau, Oxford Studies in Metaethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-27.
    What considerations place genuine constraints on an adequate semantics for normative and evaluative expressions? Linguists recognize facts about ordinary uses of such expressions and competent speakers’ judgments about which uses are appropriate. The contemporary literature reflects the widespread assumption that linguists don’t rely upon an additional source of data—competent speakers’ judgments about possible disagreement with hypothetical speech communities. We have several good reasons to think that such judgments are not probative for semantic theorizing. Therefore, we should accord these judgments no (...)
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  21. Morality and the retributive emotions.J. L. Mackie - 1982 - Criminal Justice Ethics 1 (1):3-10.
  22. Levels indeed! A response to Broadbent.J. L. McClelland & D. E. Rumelhart - 1985 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 114:193-7.
  23. Reply to Aijaz and Weidler on Hiddenness.J. L. Schellenberg - 2008 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 64 (3):135-140.
    In this brief reply I argue that criticisms of the hiddenness argument recently published in this journal by Imran Aijaz and Markus Weidler are without force. As will be shown, their critique of my conceptual version of the argument misses the mark by missing crucial distinctions. Their critique of my analogical version of the argument misunderstands that argument and also misapplies the work of W. H. Vanstone. And their critique of my view that belief is necessary for a certain kind (...)
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  24. Serious metaphysics and the vindication of reductions.J. L. Dowell - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 139 (1):91-110.
    What would be sufficient to show of some apparently higher-level property that it is 'nothing over and above' some complex configuration of more basic properties? This paper defends a new method for justifying reductions by demonstrating its comparative advantages over two methods recently defended in the literature. Unlike its rivals, what I'll call "the semantic method" makes a reduction's truth epistemically transparent without relying on conceptual analyses.
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    Response to Howard-Snyder.J. L. Schellenberg - 1996 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 26 (3):455 - 462.
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    Tradition and Reflection: Explorations in Indian Thought.J. L. Brockington & Wilhelm Halbfass - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (3):545.
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  27. Philosophy of religion: a state of the subject report.J. L. Schellenberg - 2009 - Toronto Journal of Theology 25 (1):95-110.
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  28. A New Logical Problem of Evil.J. L. Schellenberg - 2014 - In Justin P. McBrayer & Daniel Howard-Snyder, The Blackwell Companion to The Problem of Evil. Wiley.
  29. Mind, brain, and causation.J. L. Mackie - 1979 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 4 (1):19-29.
  30.  46
    Ethical orientations of managers in malaysia.J. L. Gupta & Mohamed Sulaiman - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (7):735 - 748.
    In view of the heightened societal attention to the ethical aspects of business behaviour, there has been, in recent years, a great deal of discussion regarding individual and organisational factors influencing managerial decision making. The main focus of this paper is on understanding the attitudes of managers toward ethical dimension of their choices and judgments, as also the forces that pressurise, provide them with opportunities, or contribute to shaping their intentions, for ethical or unethical actions. Findings reported here are based (...)
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    Introduction: Writing in Philosophy: Pedagogy and Practice.Sarah K. Donovan & Renée J. Smith - 2024 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 9:1-6.
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  32. Inverse Discrimination.J. L. Cowan - 1972 - Analysis 33 (1):10 - 12.
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  33. Ii.—the festal origin of human speech.J. Donovan - 1892 - Mind 1 (3):325-339.
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    My stance in philosophy of religion.J. L. Schellenberg - 2013 - Religious Studies 49 (2):143-150.
  35. Plato and the tripartite soul.J. L. Stocks - 1915 - Mind 24 (94):207-221.
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    A. L. Donovan, "Philosophical Chemistry in the Scottish Enlightenment: The Doctrines and Discoveries of William Cullen and Joseph Black". [REVIEW]Charles D. Kay - 1979 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 17 (1):102.
  37.  40
    On the Aristotelian Use of ∧ΟΓΟΣ : A Reply.J. L. Stocks - 1914 - Classical Quarterly 8 (1):9-12.
    In the June issue of the Classical Review Professor Cook Wilson announces his conversion to the view that in ‘a well-defined group’ of passages in the Nicomachean Ethics λόγος means Reason. While I cannot hope to re-convert Professor Cook Wilson, I feel that it is worth while to try to express the reasons for which it seems difficult to follow him.
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    Annotated Bibliography.Sarah K. Donovan & Renée J. Smith - 2024 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 9:223-248.
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    Editorial: Medical Image Perception: How Much Do We Understand It?Tim Donovan, Damien Litchfield & Trevor J. Crawford - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    From Lyre to Muse; A History of the Aboriginal Union of Music and Poetry.J. Donovan - 2018 - Palala Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Greek Jussives.J. Donovan - 1895 - The Classical Review 9 (03):145-149.
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    (2 other versions)German Opinion on Greek Jussives.J. Donovan - 1895 - The Classical Review 9 (09):444-447.
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    Royce, James and Intentionality.Rickard J. Donovan - 1975 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 11 (3):195 - 211.
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    Sir Degare: 11. 992-997.Mortimer J. Donovan - 1953 - Mediaeval Studies 15 (1):206-208.
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    (1 other version)The festal origin of human speech.J. Donovan - 1891 - Mind 16 (64):498-506.
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    The limits of religious interpretations.P. J. Donovan - 1974 - Sophia 13 (1):29-35.
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    The Owl as Religious Altruist in The Owl and the Nightingale.Mortimer J. Donovan - 1956 - Mediaeval Studies 18 (1):207-214.
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    The Prospective Subjunctive and Optative.J. Donovan - 1894 - The Classical Review 8 (04):145-.
  49. Emergent Probability and the Method of an Evolutionary World View.Leo J. O'donovan - 1973 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 54 (3):250.
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  50. Encounter with Holiness: John Chrysostom and Rudolf Otto.Leo J. O'donovan - 1966 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 47 (2):248.
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